日本語 | 英語 | 日本語 | 英語 |
貸借対照表 | Balance shreet | 連結貸借対照表 | Consolidated balance sheet |
資産 | Asset | 負債 | Debt |
流動資産 | Current assets | 流動負債 | Current liability |
固定資産 | Fixed assets | 固定負債 | Fixed liabilities |
有形固定資産 | Tangible fixed assets | 資本 | Equity |
無形固定資産 | Intangible fixed assets | 買入債務 | Trade payable |
繰延資産 | Deferred assets | 支払手形 | Bill payable、Notes payable |
現金および預金 | Cash Equivalents | 買掛金 | Accounts payable |
売上債権 | Notes and accounts receivable | 短期借入金 | Short-term debt、Short-term liabilities、Short-term liabilities |
売掛金 | Accounts receivable | 転換社債 | Convertible bond |
受取手形 | Bill receivable、Notes receivable | 長期借入金 | Long-term debt、Long-term liabilities、Long-term borrowings |
有価証券 | Marketable Securities | 資本金 | Stock Capitalization |
棚卸資産 | Inventories | 資本剰余金 | Capital surplus |
製品および商品 | Finished goods inventory | 利益剰余金 | Earned surplus |
材料 | Materials inventory | 資本準備金 | Capital reserve |
貸倒引当金 | Allowance for bad loan | 利益準備金 | Earned reserve |
建物および構築物 | Building | 少数株主持分 | Minority interests |
機械装置 | Equipment and machinery | 株主資本 | Shareholder's equity |
土地 | Land | 運転資金 | Working capital |
営業権 | Goodwill | 内部留保 | Retained earnings |